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Events in Jerusalem

Tu Bishvat 2011 in Jerusalem: City Center Celebrations

Tu Bishvat 2011 in Jerusalem: City Center Celebrations at 21.01.2011

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Friday jan 21st

Come celebrate Tu Bishvat in the City Center--all along Midrechov Ben Yehuda and down to Zion Square on Friday from 10:00-15:00. The celebration will include a plant sale fair, plants and flowers for sale at special low prices, ethnic music performances, street theatre and performances, and music and dance performances. 

A tribute ceremony and march to thank the firefighters who participated in extinguishing the Carmel fire will take place at the celebration.

In addition, there will be a "Seder Tu Bishvat" with Rabbis and Paytanim and special Tu Bishvat refreshments.

The event is sponsored by the Municipality's Culture branch, with additional support from Keren Kayemet.


Ben Yehuda Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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