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Events in Jerusalem

Nightly Live Music at Birman

at 01.07.2009

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Wednesday jul 1st

The Birman Musical Bistro restaurant/bar, under the management of a one-time Green Leaf party mayoral candidate named Dan Biron, offers live music every night of the week except Fridays. Primarily Israeli ensembles perform a variety of musical styles, including jazz, rock, pop, acoustic, classical, alternative, avant-garde, folk, funk, Latin and original creations. House pianist Lev Liplevak hits the keys often; Saturday nights, Birman hosts a free-form jam session; and on Thursday nights, it's all about the Balkan music. Call ahead for further details on any particular night’s musical offerings.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 17:00 to 3:00


Dorot Rishonim St. 8


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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