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Events in Jerusalem

Under the Water: Elad Varon's Birthday Bash at HaTza'atzua

at 08.11.2012

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Thursday nov 8th

HaTza'atzua presents "Under the Water": Elad Varon's birthday bash.

HaTza'atzua owner Elad Varon celebrates his 35th birthday in true HaTza'atzua style.

Festive cocktails, dim-sum and cava for friends and invitees with special decorations from 22:00 and on. Wild party on the dance bar level with DJ Shai Daniel and special guest DJ Maya Triger. Quality bar music on the bar level with DJ Shai Sebton. Entrance for ages 24+.

Call 02-623-6666 for more information and table reservations.

Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


Dhu Nuwas St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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