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Events in Jerusalem

Front Stage 2012: Neighborhood Revolution with Izebo and J.VIEWS

at 16.06.2012

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Saturday jun 16th

Front Stage 2012: Neighborhood Revolution with Izebo and J.VIEWS

June 16, 2012 at 15:45:

The Front Stage outdoor summer events series kicks off on Friday with a party celebrating the end of the academic year, featuring two streets of top-notch live music and DJs. The street party will be held on Shivtei Yisrael Street in Musrara from 15:45 and onwards.

Stage 1:

Izebo, the Eurovision contestant, now active for over 2 decades in the Israeli music scene, in a hopping, dance inducing show.

DJ Dalit Rochester: The Queen of Israeli pop with a hot Galgalatz set

Stage 2:

J.VIEWZ: In from New York for an Israeli tour, the show will be a memorable street party performance.

DJ SCHOOLMASTER: Funk set with a lot of scratch

Entrance for students ages 18 and up.


Shivtei Yisrael Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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