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Events in Jerusalem

Animal Rights Benefit at HaTza'atzua with Assi Zigdon and the Tsadikim

at 10.01.2012

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Tuesday jan 10th

HaTza'atzua and the Jerusalem Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals present an animal rights benefit, featuring a live show by Assi Zigdon and the Tsadikim. The band will play music from their two albums, "Pnima" and "Miklum Takum," and every participant will receive a free cd. The show will be followed by a party on the dance level with guest DJs.

Entrace: 20 NIS. All profits go to benefit the JSPCA. Additional donations of money and/or supplies are welcome. Helpful supplies include: blankets, sheets, toys, bowls, pots, bones, closets and dressers, electronics, vaporizers and anything you think might be useful.

For more information contact Sharon: 057-470-0221.

Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


Dhu Nuwas St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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