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Events in Jerusalem

New Year's Eve Bash at HaTza

at 31.12.2011

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Saturday dec 31st

This Saturday night, head down to HaTza'atzua for a rocking New Year's eve party.

Details: Saturday at 21:30: Saturday Night Live. Miki Fitch, Oz Mordechai, Shachar Perl and HaTza'atzua staff present a New Year's Ball, with extensive New Year's decorations. HaTza'atzua hosts students and friends from around the world. On the bar level: DJ Roi Katzav with black, sexy music. On the dance level: DJ Elior Elimelech with the best of Dance and Electro hits. Special deals on bottles of cava, champagne, and alcohol. Strawberry and cream treats, confetti, and many more surprises.

Advance reservations recommended. Call 02-623-6666.


Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


Dhu Nuwas St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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