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Events in Jerusalem

December 6-13, 2012 at HaTza'atzua: Chanukah

at 06.12.2012

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Thursday dec 6th

December 6-13, 2012 at HaTza'atzua

Thursday at 21:30: Wild party on the dance floor with guest DJ Hanan Hornik. Quality bar music on the bar level with DJ Shai Sabton. Special deals on alcohol and chasers until midnight. Entrance for ages 24+

Friday at 22:00: Bar lounge and dance: Friday night friends night. Special deals on alcohol until midnight for club members. On the bar level - special guest DJ Yinon Shazu with funk, Balkan, and more with screenings of live shows on a huge screen. Resident DJ Shai Sabton on the dance floor.

Saturday at 21:30: Saturday night live - Miki Fitch and HaTza'atzua's staff present a playful Saturday night, hosting students and friends from around the world. End off the weekend with a party on the dance floor with DJ Shachar Oud. On the bar level - chill music for drinks and snacks.

Monday at 21:30: Udi Miki and Mariana host Monday night student night - CHANUKAH PARTY! Candle lighting, sufganiyot and treats. On the bar level - rock and live shows on screen. On the dance level - student party with DJ Shai Daniel. Special deals on alcohol all night. Entrance for students with student card.

Tuesday at 21:30: Solid bar night with music from the wardrobe with DJ Hanan Hornik. Special deals on alcohol all night.

Wednesday at 21:30: Hebrew University student Chanukah party: candle lighting , sufganiyot and treats. On the bar level - foreign rock and pop with live shows on screen, special deals for students on alcohol and chasers until midnight. On the dance bar level - party with Shlomi Azoulai.

Thursday at 21:00: Wild party at the dance bar with DJs Shai Daniel and a surprise guest DJ. Quality bar music on the bar level with DJ Shai Sabton. Entrance for ages 24+.

Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


Dhu Nuwas St. 6


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