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Events in Jerusalem

2011 Front Stage: Downtown Street Party with Mercedes Band and Tribal Dance

at 15.07.2011

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Friday jul 15th

Jerusalem's 2011 Front Stage summer series continues with a street party on the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall on July 15th, beginning at 13:00. Spanning several street blocks, the party will include two stages, one featuring the Mercedes Band and Tribal Dance, the other, Sahar Zangelvich and a bevy of international electronic music.


From 14:00-16:00, there will be a headphones party. Rent a pair of headphones for 10 NIS and dance to the songs spun by DJs Itai Biri and Mark Funk from The Apples.


Free admission for all over age 18. 



Ben Yehuda Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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