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Events in Jerusalem

Hatza'atzua's 3rd Birthday Celebrations

at 21.02.2011

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Monday feb 21st

Hatza'atzua celebrates its third birthday with parties that will be spread over the course of three weeks, and as always will delight guests with tons of prizes and surprises, including a new double disc, discounted alcohol, and more. Parties will also feature extraordinary decorations and special guest DJs.

Monday February 21, 2011 at 21:30: Student night - first party and semester opener party. Contemporary rock on the bar level | Student party on the dance level | DJs Tal Pilus and Michael Cohen back to back | Special deals on alcohol until midnight | Entrance for students with valid student card.

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 21:30: Hebrew on Wednesdays hosts "Greatest Hits": On the bar level: Hebrew music and Israeli rock with DJ Elad Varon. On the dance level: DJ Zohar Sabo returns for a special night of the best of Eighties and Nineties music. The Greatest Hits staff hosts their monthly party at Hatza'atzua and celebrates Amir Algom's birthday, one of the line's head DJs. Special deals on alcohol and chasers for students until midnight.

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 21:30: Double disc release party in honor of Hatza'atzua's third birthday. Flag night celebrates Hatza'atzua's third birthday with a special festive evening. Quality bar music at the bar | On the dance level: party with DJ Elior Elimelech | Special deals on alcohol and chasers until midnight | Entrance for ages 24+.

Friday February 25, 2011 at 22:00: Friday at Hatza'atzua - special deals on alcohol until midnight for club members | DJ Elad Varon on the bar level with funk from the Seventies and until today with recordings of live shows screened on the walls | Hatza'atzua club member night with tons of special deals, guest DJs, gifts and surprises for customers | Special guest DJ from Tel Aviv on the dance level

Saturday night February 25, 2011 at 21:30: Saturday Night Live - Hatza'atzua hosts students and guests from all over the world. End off the weekend with a party on the dance floor with DJ Shachar Oud | Chill music on the bar level for drinks and snacks.


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