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Events in Jerusalem

Sknows: Af Magazine Anniversary Celebration and Multi Bar Party

at 27.01.2011

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Thursday jan 27th

The multidisciplinary art and culture magazine Af is celebrating a year of publications with "Sknows," a huge multi-bar party and cultural event on January 27, 2011. The event, which will take place simultaneously at several bars around Jerusalem, will feature art, music, food, and more. The aim of the event is to give a stage to up and coming artists in Jerusalem and expose the public to their work, as well as to provide Jerusalemites with a free night of fun, art, music, and good food. The party is sponsored by "Adidas Originals" and produced by Israel Hass of Dag Maluach and Af Magazine.

"Sknows" Schedule of Events:

Yaffo 23: Live gallery show: displays, video art, installations. At 18:00 there will be a toast celebrating the exhibit opening. Located at Yaffo St. 23.

Hakatzeh: "Live Right Under Your Nose" - Live performance music marathon. Performers include Left, 3421, F.S.N.F, backliners, love grenade, bela rarr, Ed Turner and the Danilof Center, Last Monday in October, and other surprises. From 17:00-2:00. Located at Shushan St. 4.

Tuvya: The Chicken Pen - when food, art, and sex meet. A culinary event at which guests will enjoy a sample of eclectic and creative recipes, featuring gourmet meals at unbeatable prices. There will also be a cooking workshop and tons of other surprises. 17:00 and throughout the night. Located at Shushan St. 6

Hatza'atzua: Sknows Finale -- Fantastic Electro Party. Three music producers team up for an unforgettable night of Electro. Featured DJs: Marki Funk, Servicelab, and "digital me" from Tel Aviv. 23:00 and until sunrise. Located at Dhu Nuwas St. 6.

New Spirit Offices: Af magazine archive on display, and other objects and paraphanalia. In addition, prizes and party favors will be distributed to visitors. 17:00 and for the duration of the event. Located at 6 Shushan Street.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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