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Events in Jerusalem

New Year's Bash at Hatza'atzua

at 31.12.2010

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Friday dec 31st

Hatza'atzua presents a New Years Eve bash: DJs Elad Jibly, Yotam Shebo, and Alon Yehudiof host a New Year's eve party with the participation of representatives from all of the foreign ministries and senior foreign journalists. The party will also feature a special Cava and champagne menu, as well as the traditional countdown to midnight.

In addition: special deals on alcohol until midnight for club members | On the bar floor: DJ Elad Varon with funk from the Seventies and until today, with videos of live shows screened on the walls | On the dance floor: DJ Itzik Didya with dance and greatest hits.

Open Hours

Daily, 21:00 until last customer


Dhu Nuwas St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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