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Events in Jerusalem

The Front Stage Street Parties 2010: King George Street with DJ Sha'anan Street and Live Acts tuKA, Inbal, and Hacartel

at 13.08.2010

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Friday aug 13th

The Front Stage is a series of free outdoor concerts taking place every Friday throughout the remainder of the summer with the express purpose of offering a stage to Jerusalem's many promising young musical artists. The shows, which feature densely-packed lineups of the city's brightest talents, start in the early afternoon and rock without pause until the early evening, meaning just one or two afternoons can give you a pretty solid grounding in contemporary Yerushalmi music - without paying a cent.


August 13: Party on King George Street

At the top of Gan Ha'atzmaut, near King George St.


A street party with a twist: it's also a garden party! Take off your shoes and step on the luscious grass of ''Gan Ha'Atzmaot'' because there is nothing better than dancing barefoot in the afternoon.



SHAANAN STREET DJ SET: Shaanan is the lead singer of Israeli mega group HADAG NACHASH, known for his amazing musical knowlege.


TUKA: a mix of live instruments and electronic sounds

INBAL: a small woman with a big voice, Inbal will mezmorize you with her show.

HAKARTEL: Israeli breakthrough act, with a lot of attitude spice



King George Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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