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Events in Jerusalem

Boogie in the German Colony with Special Guest Hebrew Kawali Party

at 06.05.2010

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Thursday may 6th

Boogie invites you to a night of music and movement in the German colony, with special guest Hebrew Kawali party. The Hebrew Kawali Party performance will be followed by dancing in three separate halls with DJs spinning world music well into the night. In addition there will be dance workshops, jam sessions, a chai shop, and bar.


About Hebrew Kawali Party: Kawali is a Sufi style of music originating in India and Pakistan of ecstatic song meant to rouse the inner connection to the divine. The Hebrew Kawali Party is a six person ensemble who sing Kawali style music in Hebrew. The singing is accompanied by harmonies, Indian drum, and clapping. The texts are based on Jewish sources from various periods and places in the world. The performance is participatory and allows the audience to become part of a meditative trance.


Yaron Pe'er: founder and musical director, vocals, harmony, Afghan rebahb | Gavriel Meir Halevi: vocals | Shimon Lev Tahor: vocals, guitar | Raphael Emanuel Ran: vocals, guitar | Tai Nikritin: vocals, bouzouki | Daniel White: nal/doulek (Indian percussion instrument)


Merkaz Tarbut Ha-amim Emek Refaim 12 German Colony


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