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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2010: The Jerusalem March

Sukkot 2010: The Jerusalem March at 28.09.2010

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Tuesday sep 28th

This year's Jerusalem March will take place on September 28, 2010. The theme of this year's march is "returning the city center to Jerusalem residents," and thus the parade will pass through Jaffa Street in the city center. More than seventy thousand marchers are expected to participate in this year's march. A light rail car will accompany the parade from Davidka Square. The car will be connected to electricity as well as other vehicles that have served to transport Jerusalemites in the last 100 years, including wagons, carriages, and busses from the 50s and 60s, under the title "From the Wagon to the Light Rail." Besides groups which represent public bodies and businesses, etc, there will be groups from the IDF, security personnel, EMS personnel, flag carriers, and dancers.

There will be a 12 km option beginning at Givat Hatachmoshet and a 6 km option beginning in Armon Hanatziv.

From 13:00-21:00 there will also be a colorful carnival in the city center, and a festive march in the city center beginning at 14:30. In addition, a festive fair will be held in Sacher Park from 10:00 - 15:00, with live performances, children's attractions, an arts fair, food, and more.

For more information and the full route for both the longer and shorter march options, visit the Jerusalem Municipality's Jerusalem March page, here.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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