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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2010: Carnival in the City Center

Sukkot 2010: Carnival in the City Center at 26.09.2010

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Sunday sep 26th

The Jerusalem Municipality presents a huge carnival in the City Center over the intermediate days of Sukkot, September 26-28. Entrance to all events is free.

*Monday, September 27 in Independence Park: Children's Channel Special - children's performances with children's TV stars..

*All days:

-Bezalel Arts Fair on the Bezalel pedestrian mall, from 9:00-18:00: handcrafted work by Israeli artists

-Guided tours in the municipality and environs

-10:00-15:00: Fun in the City Center: Tours in English and Hebrew, street performers, actors, storytelling, musical performances, street theatre, face painting for kids, and more.


City Center


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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