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Events in Jerusalem

Science Caf

at 25.01.2012

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Wednesday jan 25th

Agricultural development and the spreading of harmful insects is dependent on atmospheric conditions. Professor Uri Dayan from the Geography Department at Hebrew University and Dr. Itamar Lansky from the Geography and Environment department at Bar Ilan University developed a method using satellites for early identification of local atmospheric conditions. How does the method help agricultural planning of pesticide spraying, planting and harvesting, and diminishing projected damages? The two will speak about using new technology in agriculture and ways of making the most of existing infrastructures for new purposes.

January 25 at 19:00 at Tmol Shilshom

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 until after midnight; Friday 8:30 to afternoon; Saturday motzaei Shabbat to 2:00


Yoel Salomon St. 5 (through the back alley)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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