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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot Festival at Ein Yael

Sukkot Festival at Ein Yael at 26.09.2010

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Sunday sep 26th

Ein Yael presents a Sukkot Festival: a variety of ancient craft and farming workshops for children, a recreated Roman street with actors in colorful traditional costumes of the time, performances for children, street performances, flea market, musical performances, sing alongs, learning sessions in a Sukkah, and more.

Performance details: Psik Theatre is proud to present "Three Lemons." This enchanted children's play will be performed on September 26-28 at 13:00 and 15:00. Duration: about an hour. For ages 4-10 and the whole family. Tickets are 40 NIS and include admission to all activities at Ein Yael for one day.

Open Hours



Ein Yael Museum


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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