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Events in Jerusalem

All This Greenery

at 12.07.2011

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Tuesday jul 12th

A joint lecture and discussion about green issues in Israeli society and art with David Ivgi, art teacher and lecturer, and Muki Tzur, scholar, author, and philosopher


Part 1: Little Red Riding Hood in the JNF Forests
About the Israeli forests of our childhood, the European forests of the exile, and the secrets of the magic and the threat among the trees
Tuesday, July 12, 20:00

Part 2: The Sabra as an Allegory
What can we say that hasn't already been said on the Sabra as a food and concept that's been overused in the Israeli discourse? A look at the past and thoughts about the future of this spiky symbol.
Tuesday, July 19, 20:00

Part 3: Water and Desert
Both are highly valued and largely wasted-and both became Zionistic symbols. This encounter journeys through bodies of water and deserts in Israeli literature from the Negev to the Kinneret and from the Hula swamps to the Haluza sands.
Tuesday, July 26, 20:00

Admission: NIS 30, students: NIS 20, NIS 70 for the series


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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