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Events in Jerusalem

Summer Writing Workshop at Tmol Shilshom

at 29.06.2011

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Wednesday jun 29th

Loosen Up: A Writing Workout with Judy Labensohn


During summer vacation, exercise at the writing gym. Trainer Judy Labensohn is a prize-winning writer, experienced mentor and teacher. Enjoy six mornings of no-sweat workouts: writing prompts, "rapidwrite" and shared readings. Open to all.

NIS 100 per session, includes one hot or cold drink. NIS 540 for all six sessions. Email or just drop-in at Tmol Shilshom, 5 Nachlat Shiva, off Zion Square, Jerusalem.


Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM, starts June 29th.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 until after midnight; Friday 8:30 to afternoon; Saturday motzaei Shabbat to 2:00


Yoel Salomon St. 5 (through the back alley)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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