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Events in Jerusalem

The U.S. and the Middle East in a New Era

at 16.03.2011

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Wednesday mar 16th

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center and Middle East Forum present: "The U.S. and the Middle East in a New Era," with Daniel Pipes and Steven Rosen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Reception: 6:30pm Program: 7:00pm

Location: Menachem Begin Heritage Center, 6 S.A. Nahon St., Jerusalem, Israel (map)

Cost: NIS 10 per person.

Pre-registration required, at phone: 02-5652011

As Libya moves toward civil war and mass upheavals beset the Middle East, what sort of governments will emerge and what will their relationship be with Israel? What sort of policies will Washington implement? Will it simply legitimize whichever groups assume power, confident that talks and concessions will lead to friendship?

A Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt could tip the balance of forces in the region, leading to a scenario where Iran will be only one of many anti-U.S. and anti-Israel states. Indeed, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declares "a new Middle East is emerging without the Zionist regime and U.S. interference."

Meanwhile, U.S. policy appears in disarray. Barack Obama downplays the threat of the Brotherhood, even as his director of national intelligence praises them as "a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence."

To assess the situation, the Menachem Begin Heritage Center and the Middle East Forum present two specialists with complementary areas of expertise to discuss U.S. policy in the Middle East at the dawn of a new era. Middle East Forum director Daniel Pipes, who was recently described by the Washington Post as "perhaps the most prominent U.S. scholar on radical Islam," will discuss the impact of radical Islam on the region; Washington Project director Steven J. Rosen, whose recent behind-the-scenes efforts helped create a bipartisan letter asking Obama to veto anti-Israel U.N. Resolutions, will analyze Washington's policy options.


Menachem Begin Heritage Center | Nachon St. 6


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