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Events in Jerusalem

The Golden Age of the Roman Empire: The Empire's Golden Age from Suleman the Great

at 17.02.2011

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Thursday feb 17th

The Museum of Islamic Art presents "The Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire," a lectures series with Professor Rafi Israeli, inspired by the museum's "Embroidered Dreams" exhibit. The thought provoking, historical series will include lectures by Professor Rafi Israeli and a Darwishian dance performance, alongside the stunning embroidered silk fabrics displayed in the exhibit. All lectures will be in Hebrew.

To order tickets please call 02-566-1291. The price for the entire series, including the dance performance, is 120 NIS. Space is limited and advance reservations are required.

Thursday February 17, 2011: The Empire's Golden Age from Suleman the Great. A lecture by Professor Rafi Israeli. 40 NIS.

Open Hours

Sunday through Thursday 10:00 to 19:00; Friday and holiday eves 10:00 to 16:00; Saturday and holidays 10:00 to 16:00


HaPalmach St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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