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Events in Jerusalem

Tu B'av at the Bible Lands Museum

Tu B'av at the Bible Lands Museum at 25.07.2010

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Sunday jul 25th

In honor of Tu B'av and inspired by the "Angels and Demons" exhibit, the Bible Lands museum offers seven days of enchanted love, for all lovers that would like to hold on to their love, to bring excitement and newness to it, and for those that are still searching for love.

Activities and specials include: Tours about love, relationships, and enchantments in the ancient world, love potions and enchantments, discounts for couples, and surprise packages for lovers.

Love is fickle--here one day and gone the next. Therefore, it's no surprise that lovers have made much use of magic and enchantments, which helped people throughout the ages attain love, keep and strengthen it, take it from someone else, and so on.

In the museum's permanent exhibits, as well as in the temporary displays, there are fascinating displays related to love and relationships. A lavish Greek wedding gift, replications of gods in charge of love and fertility, marriage contracts, and more. One of the displays in the new exhibit "Angels and Demons" is a voodoo doll with her hands and legs tied up which was used to tie the heart of a lover to the doll, a plate with an inscription of an ancient prayer for fertility for men, a book of practical Kaballah with recipes for love, for improving relationships, and revealing the sex of a fetus, a piece of material with an erotic incantation, and more.

*Free daily tours at 12:00

*Discount for couples: second ticket free on July 26 (for adult tickets only).

*All other days of the week: special ticket for two for 50 NIS

*Discount on incantations from the Museum Gift Shop.

*Special lovers package: museum entrance, private tour, and gift from the gift shop: 505 NIS for a couple. From Sunday-Thursday, July 25-30, advance reservations required.








Open Hours

Sunday to Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 to 17:30; Wednesday, 9:30 to 21:30; Friday and Holiday eves, 9:30 to 14:00. During the months of July and August, the museum will be open seven days a week.


Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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