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Events in Jerusalem

A Shortcut In Time 2: Back By Popular Demand

A Shortcut In Time 2: Back By Popular Demand at 08.04.2011

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Friday apr 8th

Mishkenot Sha'ananim presents a second round of "A Shortcut In Time," back by popular demand. Scientists and scientific theories go under the microscope in a series of Friday morning lectures delivered over the course of six months by the Weizmann Institute's Professor Illem Gross.


Schedule of Lectures:

November 12, 2010: Galileo

December 31, 2010: E=mc2: Einstein's wonderous year

January 28, 2011: "And Gd's wind was sweeping over the waters": The Big Bang and the beginning of time

February 25, 2011: "The Divine Particle": The mystery of the Higgs boson particle

March 25, 2011: "High Tension": the story of electricity, Tesla's madness vs. Faraday's geniou


Mishkenot Sha\'ananim


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