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Events in Jerusalem

Joshua Shaul David: 3 Biblical Giants

Joshua Shaul David: 3 Biblical Giants at 31.08.2010

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Tuesday aug 31st

Beit Avi Chai presents: Joshua Shaul David: 3 Biblical Giants

3 lectures with Dr. Micah Goodman in English.

The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University, director of Ein Prat - the Israeli Academy
for Leadership

• Tuesday | August 17th | 8 pm
The book of Joshua presents major ethical dilemmas for the contemporary reader. This lecture
will provide an innovative reading of the canonical book, and original reflections on the
debate regarding the ethics of war.

• Tuesday | August 24th | 8 pm
Shaul was the first king of Israel, yet his life story in this role is one of overriding failure. This lecture
will explore the sources of the first king's political and psychological fall, and outline some of the
principles of successful biblical leadership.

• Tuesday | August 31st | 8 pm
David was a paradigmatic king until the moment of his great sin. This lecture will present three
different readings - theological, political and psychological - of the rise and fall of King David.


King George St. 44


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