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Events in Jerusalem

Notes for Jerusalem at the Tower of David Museum: Women and the Holy City

Notes for Jerusalem at the Tower of David Museum: Women and the Holy City at 05.03.2010

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Friday mar 5th

The Tower of David Museum presents "Notes for Jerusalem":

A series of encounters at the Tower of David Museum.

The second meeting in the series is in honor of International Woman's Day. The event is open to both men and women.

"Women and the Holy City"

Meeting with the poet and artist Hani Sternberg, the writer Nava Macmel-Atir and with the composer and singer Janet Yahudian. At the end of the meeting there will be a guided tour in the Old City looking at the women who operated in Jerusalem and how they left their imprint on the city's history.

Advance registration required.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 17:00


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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