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Events in Jerusalem

Wednesday Evening Lectures -- New Directions in Biblical Archaeology Lecture Series

Wednesday Evening Lectures -- New Directions in Biblical Archaeology Lecture Series at 21.04.2010

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Wednesday apr 21st

The Wednesday evening lecture series at the Bible Lands Museum presents the "New Directions in Biblical Archaeology? series": a lecture series about the new approaches in the research of Biblical Archeology, presented by leading archaeologists and scholars.

Lecturers in the series: Dr. Doron Ben-Ami, Dr. Nili Wazana, Prof. Amihai Mazar, Prof. Israel Finkelstein, Prof. Avraham Faust on his research with Prof. Shlomo Bunimovich

The Lectures will be delivered in Hebrew.

There is a fee for the lectures with a discount for tour guides

Lecture schedule:

3.3.10 -Lecture 3: New Directions in Biblical Archaeology?
"Biblical Archaeology" or "The Archaeology of the Biblical Period"? Prof. Amihai Mazar, Hebrew Univ..

14.4.10 -Lecture 4: New Directions in Biblical Archaeology?
Between Text, Archaeology and the Ancient Near-East, Prof. Israel Finkelstein, Tel-Aviv Univ.

21.4.10 -Lecture 5: New Directions in Biblical Archaeology?
New Biblical Archaeology: Towards a Renewed dialogue between archaeology and written texts. Prof. Avraham Faust, Bar-Ilan Univ. Prof. Shlomo Bunimovich, Tel-Aviv Univ.



Bible Lands Museum Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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