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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2010 at Alrov Mamilla Avenue

Sukkot 2010 at Alrov Mamilla Avenue at 26.09.2010

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Sunday sep 26th

Alrov Mamilla Avenue presents its Sukkot 2010 events: a non profit organization fair and a musical instrument fair for children.

Non Profit Organization Fair:

Mizrachi Tfachot and Alrov Mamilla Avenue present "Created from the Heart for the Community": a unique social welfare organization fair, at which thirty social welfare organizations which employ people with special needs will display wares made by organization members to the public. At the fair, which will take place on the intermediate days of Sukkot, visitors will have the chance to visit the booths of the various organizations, to buy products, to enjoy street performances, learn more about what the various organizations do, and sign up to volunteer.

Musical Instrument Fair for Children:

Magical sounds: throughout the intermediate days of Sukkot from 11:00-20:00, Alrov Mamilla Avenue will hold ecological musical and arts and crafts activities for the whole family. Activities include making musical instruments from around the world followed by workshops with the new instruments. Workshops will take place at 11:00, 15:00, 17:45, and 19:00. A central live musical performance with ancient and unique musical instruments will take place at 17:00.

Open Hours

Non profit fair: 16:00-22:00 | Musical Instrument fair: 8:00-20:00


Alrov Mamilla Avenue


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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