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Events in Jerusalem

Wednesday Evening Lectures -- The Stories of the Patriarchs and their Implication on the Prerogative on the Land of Israel

Wednesday Evening Lectures -- The Stories of the Patriarchs and their Implication on the Prerogative on the Land of Israel at 20.01.2010

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Wednesday jan 20th

The Wednesday evening lecture series at the Bible Lands Museum presents "The Stories of the Patriarchs and their Implication on the Prerogative on the Land of Israel," by Dr. Lea Mazor, Hebrew University, in Hebrew.


The relation of the People of Israel to their land is a main issue in Biblical thought. The prevailing conception in the Bible is that the origins of the people of Israel are not from the land of Israel rather that they arrived from the outside, conquered and settled in it. What is the conceptual-faithful meaning of this perception? How do the stories of the patriarchs in the book of Genesis establish Israel's right to its land? What is Israel's relation towards the other people, especially the Canaanites? These fundamental issues will be discussed in our lecture The Stories of the Patriarchs and their implication on their prerogative on the Land of Israel.



Bible Lands Museum Granot St. 25

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