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Events in Jerusalem

Japan in the Gardens: A Lecture Series

Japan in the Gardens: A Lecture Series at 13.01.2010

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Wednesday jan 13th

The Israel-Japan Friendship Society and Chamber of Commerce and the Hebrew University Botanical Gardens of Jerusalem present Japan in the Gardens: A lecture series.


Lecture 1:

January 13, 2010, 18:00

For the Garden: On Japanese Gardens and the art of building a trail experience. Lecturer: Architect Aryeh Kotz.

Lecture 2:

February 17, 2010, 18:00

A Journey After Vincent Van Gogh in Japan. Lecturer: Sigal Galil

Lecture 3:

March 3, 2010, 18:00

The Japanese Woman: From Tradition to Advancement. Lecturer: Ayala Danon

Lecture 4:

April 4, 2010, 19:30

The Beginning of the End of Childhood: Miazki and the World of Animation. Lecturer: Raz Greenberg.

Lecture 5:
May 12, 2010, 19:30

The Culture and Design of Coffee Shops in Japan. Lecturer: Dr. Helena Greenspun

Lecture 6:

June 9, 2010, 19:30

Japanese Beauty: Between Aesthetics and Culture in the Land of the Rising Sun. Lecturer: Professor Emeritus Ben Ami Shiloni


*The lectures will take place in the auditorium in the Botanical Gardens Visitors' Center

*Entrance to the gardens is though the gas station on Herzog Street


*The lectures are in Hebrew.


Buria Street


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