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Events in Jerusalem

Reclaiming the Z Word

Reclaiming the Z Word at 28.12.2009

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Monday dec 28th

PresenTense presents "Reclaiming the Z Word": This discussion, with two leading Jewish thinkers and activists, will raise many questions about what Zionism looks like today and can look like in the 21st century and beyond. We believe that the issues that will be raised are central to an understanding of what it means to be Jewish and what it means to be a Jewish educator in the world today. We envision that the conversation will be challenging and inspiring as it will force many to ask questions of themselves that often remain unanswered and unasked.

Gil Troy, academic, historian and author of Why I am a Zionist
Aharon Horwitz, founder of PresenTense

Evening jointly sponsored by PresentTense and Project InCiTE (

Project InCiTE is an innovation fellowship for Jewish educators sponsored by the iCenter and BJENY-SAJES

TO RSVP please click here, or send an email to



PresenTense Hub 64 Emek Refaim 2nd Floor


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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