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Events in Jerusalem

Manofim 2011: Mockumentary Mini Film Festival

Manofim 2011: Mockumentary Mini Film Festival at 01.11.2011

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Tuesday nov 1st

For the third year, "Manofim" will hold contemporary art exhibitions in art institutions and alternative spaces throughout the city. This year, the Tower of David will be the year the main focus of the event. This year's festival will also feature a Mockumentary Mini Film Festival, the first of its kind in the country. The festival, which kicks off November 1st and runs through November 26th, features mockumentaries both old and new, and one lucky director whose film is picked as the best can win a cool $1,000.

Mockumentary film festival schedule:

November 1, 2011 at 20:00: Festival opening with the screening of "Lonely Planet", directed by Idan Zeira.

November 8, 2011:
17:00: Screening of films taking part in the competition
19:00: Screening of "The Eyland Affair" directed by Eli Cohen

November 15, 2011
17:00: Screening of films taking part in the competition
19:00: Screening of "Careful: Camera" by Shaul Batzar and Roi (Tziki) Erez and Ez Hayman

November 22, 2011
17:00: Screening of films taking part in the competition
19:00: Screening of "Will Wins Out" directed by Lani Ripnashtal

November 26, 2011
17:00: Screening of films taking part in the competition
19:00: Screening of "F for Fake" directed by Orson Welles

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 16:00; Friday closed; Saturday, holiday eves and holidays 10:00 to 14:00


Jaffa Gate


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