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Events in Jerusalem

Summer Movie Festival at the Merkaz: July 2010

Summer Movie Festival at the Merkaz: July 2010 at 27.07.2010

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Tuesday jul 27th

The Merkaz presents: Summer Movie Festival! Weekly movie screenings at Merkaz Hamagshimim during the month of June.

All movies will be hosted at The Merkaz in collabaration with NBN!

Come join us for some great movies on a big screen outside under the Jerusalem sky.

*You should bring a light sweater, it can get chilly!



The movie schedule:

29.6 Up

6.7 The Wedding Planner

13.7 You've Got Mail

20.7 Fast of Tisha B'av- no movies will be screening

27.7 Shakespeare In Love


8 Gad Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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