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Events in Jerusalem

Old City Nights 2012: Festivals, music, theatre, food, and more

Old City Nights 2012: Festivals, music, theatre, food, and more at 01.04.2012

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Sunday apr 1st

Starting on April 30, 2012, the Jerusalem Development Authority in collaboration with the Prime Minister's Office and the City of Jerusalem will offer a varied program of unique and exciting night-time activities. The activities will start after sundown, only in the Old City, throughout the entire year - enabling visitors to enjoy its thrilling variety after dark as well.

Theatrical journeys and Viennese waltzes, jazz and culinary arts will bring the Old City to life every evening; tourist attractions will be open late and colorful international festivals will liven up the nights.
This Night Guide summarizes all of the Old City's after-dark activities. The guide is divided into three sections:

• Evening activities in the Old City, on Mondays and Thursdays, throughout 2012.

• Tourist sites that will be open late one night each week throughout 2012.

• Grand festivals that will take place during the evening hours in the Old City

*The events are the responsibility of those who coordinate them. It is required to book activities in advance and they will proceed if the minimum amount of participants reserve spaces.
Special group rates.

For more information and a full breakdown of events and participating venues, visit the Old City Nights website, here.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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