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Events in Jerusalem

The 2012 International Writers Festival

The 2012 International Writers Festival at 13.05.2012

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Sunday may 13th

Jerusalem's third International Writers Festival, which will take place from May 13-18 at Mishkenot Sha'ananim, will include unique, one-time only encounters between guest authors from abroad and Israeli authors as well as literary tours of Jerusalem, a chance to dine at Tmol Shilshom with two well known writers, film screenings of books that were made into movies, discussions with writers, children's events, a visual art exhibit, and more.

Each day will begin with a special morning event featuring an encounter with an Israeli author. The authors that will take place in the morning events are Meir Shelo, Ronit Metlon, Sayid Kashua and Chaim Be'er.

The last day of the festival will be dedicated to Indian authors within the framework of Indian Culture Month in Israel, initiated by the Indian Embassy. Among the Indian authors that will visit Israel for the festival are Vikas Swarup, author of "Slumdog Millionaire," the best seller and winner of the South African Boeke Prize which was translated into over 30 languages and turned into a blockbuster film. Swarup will be paired with Israeli author Eli Amir for a literary encounter at the festival.

Israeli authors who will participate in the festival include David Grossman, A.B. Yehoshua, Aharon Applefeld, Eli Amir, Meir Shelo, Eshkol Nevo, Etgar Keret, Tzruya Shelo, Yochi Brandes, Dorit Rabinian, Nir Baram, Hagai Linik, Matan Hermoni, Moshe Sakal, Yael Ne'eman, Einat Yakir, Yair Asulin, and many more.

Sessions will take place in both Hebrew and English with simultaneous translation via headphones.

For more information and to register visit the festival's website.


Mishkenot Sha\'ananim


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