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Events in Jerusalem

On the Wings of Raga 2012 Indian Music Festival

On the Wings of Raga 2012 Indian Music Festival at 08.05.2012

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Tuesday may 8th

The Confederation House presents the second annual "On the Wings of Raga" Indian Music Festival, with shows taking place at the Jerusalem Theatre, the Confederation House, and Zappa Jerusalem.

Dr. Lakshminarayana Subramaniam, acclaimed Indian violinist, composer, and conductor opens this year's festival on May 8 at the Rebecca Crown Hall in the Jerusalem Theatre, playing music from southern India. Subramaniam has recorded around two hundred albums, including soundtracks for plays and Bollywood movies as well as other movies. He has collaborated with well-known musicians in India and around the world. He'll perform solo, in a duet with his son Mani, and with a percussion ensemble.

The second night of the festival, May 9, will be devoted to music from northern India and the unique connection between student and teacher. Sarangi player Pandit Santush Kumar Mishra Moransi will kick off the evening. Mishra is a fourteenth generation Indian classical musician and well known Sarangi player in India. He'll play both solo and in a duet with his Israeli student Yaron Pe'er. The second performance of the evening will feature renowned rudra veena player Usted Bahoudin Dagar. The rudra veena is an ancient string instrument. He'll appear solo as well as with his Israeli student Dudu Alcabir.

The Jish ensemble and the Gypsies from Rajasthan will end off the festival on May 10 at the Zappa Jerusalem club. This colorful, exciting ensemble includes singers and musicians playing Indian folk music, spiritual music, and a special piece for a snake catching dance called Kalablia.

Festival schedule:

May 8, 2012 at 21:00 | Jerusalem Theatre | 120 NIS

May 9, 2012 at 19:00 and 21:00 | Confederation House | 80 NIS for each performance, 110 NIS for both

May 10, 2012 - doors open at 20:30, performance begins 22:00 | Zappa Jerusalem | 110 NIS


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