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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Knights in the Old City 2011

Jerusalem Knights in the Old City 2011 at 24.11.2011

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Thursday nov 24th

The Jerusalem Development Authority, the Prime Minister's Office, the Jerusalem Municipality, and Ariel present "Old City Knights:" visit the Old City (Jaffa Gate and Christian Quarter) every Thursday throughout November 2011 for an enchanted autumn experience in the spirit of the Middle Ages. Step back through time in the picturesque alleys of the Old City, where heroes of the Middle Ages, including knights, kings, princesses, magicians, troubadours, court jesters, and peddlers will roam the alleys.

The middle ages will come alive with costumed characters, sounds and chants of times gone by, dance, acrobatics and theater performances.

The journey will begin at Jaffa Gate, from there to the Muristan square and back to Jaffa Gate on a circular, fascinating and fun filled route.

Admission to all events is free!

For more details, including arrival information and a map of exact event locations, visit or call the Jerusalem Municipal hotline at 106 or 02-531-4600.

Open Hours



Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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