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Events in Jerusalem

Passover at the L.A Mayer Museum for Islamic Art

Passover at the L.A Mayer Museum for Islamic Art at 21.03.2010

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Sunday mar 21st

Celebrate Passover at the L.A. Mayer Museum for Islamic Art with a wide variety of attractions for the whole family.


This is a great opportunity for children to create decorative Seder plates and wine glasses for the Seder night!


Creative arts and crafts workshops for children will be held during the whole duration of the school Passover break and over the intermediate days of Passover, except on Shabbat and Chag. Children will have a chance to create seder plates, wine glasses, and many other things inspired by exhibits at the museum and in the spirit of Islamic art.

Story Theatre with props and costumes, with children's participation, will take place on March 31 at 12:00. The theme will be redemption from Egypt.

On Thursday April 1 at 12:00: A performance entitled "David the lad and the pitchers." No additional fee.

Pesach is also a great time to visit the Museum's galleries. On Shabbat at 12:00 there will be a guided tour of the galleries.

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday: 10:00-15:00, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00-19:00, Friday: 10:00-14:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00


Hapalmach St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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