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Events in Jerusalem

Israel Festival 2011: Opening Events

Israel Festival 2011: Opening Events at 23.05.2011

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Monday may 23rd

Opening Event

To celebrate fifty years, with cooperation from the Department of Arts and Culture and Jerusalem Municipality, the Israel Festival will kick off with a party in the city center.


"Giselle" in Safra Square - the Israeli Ballet hosts the Bolshoi Soloists

At 20:30 in Safra Square, the Israel Ballet, managed by Berta Yampolsky and Hillel Markman, will present the classic piece "Giselle", featuring guest soloists from Moscow: Bolshoi's Anna Antonichva and Alexander Welch Cove.

Two hours including an intermission

Before the show, all are invited to a unique experience in Zion Square, Australia's "Strange Fruit", a performance with contorting dancers suspended above the audience.


Duration: 20 minutes


The show will take place at 17:00 and at 19:00.

Free admission


This performance is being organized under the auspices of the 2011 Israel Festival. For our complete coverage of the festival, click here.



Various venues around Jerusalem.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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