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Events in Jerusalem

Mommy and Baby Festival at the Malcha Mall

Mommy and Baby Festival at the Malcha Mall at 10.01.2011

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Monday jan 10th

The Malcha Mall presents "Mommy and Baby": a festival of all things pregnancy, birth, and new parenting.

*Sales stands: toys and accessories, designer clothes, accessories for children's rooms, baby furniture

*Special sales at children's stores in the mall

*Malcha Mall Toy Room: thought games, wooden blocks, puzzles, and soft toys

*Mommy circle: come discuss everything you are thinking about during pregnancy and the postpartum period

*Photo opportunity with Liat Katz, pregnancy and birth photographer. Liat will photograph all of the infants. From 10:00-14:00

*Nursing station: nursing assistance and information

*A lecture by Michael Daliot on Monday, January 10, at 11:00. The lecture will take place outside the Mashbir. Free entrance with advance registration at the Mamy portal:

*Developmental workshops for infants and toddlers run by "Hokhmat Hashevet" using the "first step" method:

Monday, January 10:
10:30: Developmental accompaniment (0-3 months)
11:30: Baby sing along (3-6 months)
12:30: Baby massage and baby yoga (3-12 months)
16:30: Story and arts and crafts hour: The Egg that Dressed Up (crawlers - 2 year olds)
17:30: Story theatre: "The Most Beautiful Egg in the World" (2-4 years)

Tuesday, January 11:
10:30: Developmental accompaniment (6-9 months)
11:30: Belly dancing with scarves (6-9 months)
12:30: Tactile stimulation development (9-12 months)

16:30: Musikataf: music, movement, and instruments
17:30: Story hour: Where's Pluto?

Wednesday, January 12:
10:30: baby massage and baby yoga (0-3 months)
11:30: voice, movement, and touch workshop (3-9 months)
12:30: touch and soft music activity (6-12 months)
16:30: story and arts and crafts hour: One King and Many Colors
17:30: arts and crafts hour

*All events are free

*Free gift for every mother at the Mamy stand.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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