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Events in Jerusalem

The 6th Annual Jerusalem Beer Festival

The 6th Annual Jerusalem Beer Festival at 18.08.2010

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Wednesday aug 18th

The Sixth Annual Jerusalem Beer Festival will take place this year at the Old Train Station Plaza. Over 50,000 liters of beer, including no less than 100 different types of Israeli and International beers, will be on tap, accompanied by beer friendly munchies for sale. Festival goers will be treated to live performances by top Israeli rock bands and DJs such as The Giraffes and DJs Elad and Ron of HaTza'atzua and more - all this for the seriously affordable price of 30 NIS, with a 5 NIS discount for students, soldiers, and holders of the "Yerushalmi" Jerusalem resident cards. For more information please visit the festival's website or Facebook page.

Open Hours





The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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