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Events in Jerusalem

Purim Carnival at Alrov Mamilla Avenue

Purim Carnival at Alrov Mamilla Avenue at 01.03.2010

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Monday mar 1st

The Kingdom of Alrov Mamilla Avenue invites the whole nation, from big to small, to celebrate Shushan Purim with it, at the annual Purim carnival. There will be a colorful parade with characters from the Megilla, clowns and jugglers, circus performances, circus workshops, magnet games, and more...


*The parade will take place every hour on the hour from 12:00-16:00


*A huge game area will be open to the whole family int he covered section of Mamilla, above Castro, from 12:00-16:00


*Brain riddles: a wide variety of magnetic brain riddle games ensure something right for every member of the family


*At the circus workshop, everyone can become a clown, magician, or juggler


*Performances on the main stage: 

  -Gerome: Amphitheater, 12:30

  -Rap Circus: Amphitheater, 13:30

  -Circus No Problem: Amphitheater, 14:30

Open Hours



Alrov Mamilla Avenue


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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