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Events in Jerusalem

Sewn in the City at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art

Sewn in the City at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art at 18.07.2013

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Thursday jul 18th

The Museum of Italian Jewish Art presents "Daniele Sulewic: Sewn in the City" - A tour of Italian towns created from various types of fabric

18/07/2013 - 10/09/2013 *The exhibhit has been extended until October 8, 2013.

Nothing could be further from the nature of fabric than the monumentality of architecture; nevertheless the fabric compositions of Dani

Open Hours

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-17:00 | Thursday: 12:00-21:00 | Friday: 10:00-13:00 Monday and Saturday: closed


Hillel St. 27


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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