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Events in Jerusalem

Joan Miro

Joan Miro at 27.02.2013

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Wednesday feb 27th

The Israel Museum presents "Joan Miro's Spanish Dancer: Variations on a Theme"

February 27, 2013-June 30, 2013

Location: Focus Gallery
Artist: Joan Miro
Curator: Adina Kamien-Kazhdan

Flamenco's sensuous arm work, articulate hand gestures, and percussive steps inspired Joan Mir? to produce numerous sketches, drawings, paintings, and collages of Spanish dancers over a period of sixty years, from 1921 to 1981. These witty and playful works are rendered in a variety of styles - from realism and cubism to surrealism and abstraction - exhibiting Mir?'s constant experimentation with form, medium, and technique. Mir?'s dancers transform the mythic, popularized image of the erotic dancer, introducing a modernist vocabulary of visual signs that express the artist's origins in an evolving personal yet universal avant-garde language. Two of Mir?'s works from the Israel Museum's collection, Painting (Spanish Dancer), 1927, and the drawing Spanish Dancer, 1924, are at the focus of this exhibition, complemented by an ensemble of works on loan from important institutions worldwide.

(c)The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Purchase (c)2012. Digital image, SCALA Florence, (c)Successio Miro/ADAGP, Paris 2013

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 16:00 to 21:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


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