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Events in Jerusalem

Houses From Within Jerusalem 2012

Houses From Within Jerusalem 2012 at 25.10.2012

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Thursday oct 25th

The Jerusalem Municipality's Batim Mibifnim - Houses from Within festival will take place this year on October 25, 26 and 27.

This free - and largely popular - festival returns to the Holy City for its sixth year with free tours and access to amazing structures and sites across the city. Led by certified tour guides, architects, city planners, historians, or Jerusalem lovers, learn about how the physical design of the building influences your experience of the place; or, in other words, how architecture works. While most tours are open to the public (just check the site for visiting hours), some tours are limited to 30 participants and therefore pre-registration is required (available through the website).

Bear in mind that most tours are conducted in Hebrew and there may not be English translation.

For more information and the full list of this year's houses and events, visit the Houses From Within website.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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