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Events in Jerusalem

Manofim 2012

Manofim 2012 at 25.10.2012

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Thursday oct 25th

For the fifth year in a row, the Manofim project will be inaugurating the Jerusalem art season, with over 20 exhibitions and a variety of art events that will be held in various galleries and other locations around the city. 

The project was initiated by artists working in Jerusalem, in collaboration with galleries, alternative spaces and culture centers, and plays a major role in the independent, vibrant work constantly created in the Jerusalem sphere.

About this year's event, from Manofim's website:

"This year "Manofim" is launched with a unique variety of art events taking place every day in different locales throughout the city. These events will span over a week and expose the various and ample artistic activity in Jerusalem year-round. The week commences festively with 30 simultaneous openings all over Jerusalem. Mobilizing between the different venues will be possible by means of free-of-charge shuttles. We strongly recommend using the shuttles and discovering the different surprising experiences they offer.

Every one of the days following will be dedicated to a different area in the city: On Friday in Talpiot, an introduction to the industrial area and the work of artists in their studios; Saturday, a trip for the whole family around the outskirts of the city, between painting in the great outdoors, poetry performance and studying in groups; Sunday in Mishkenot Sha'ananim, "Black Box", a unique exhibition displayed on different billboards in the city; Monday on Jaffa Road, a journey to 19th century Vienna; Tuesday, we welcome you to re-experience eastern Jerusalem by taking tours guided by local artists and by visiting the contemporary art exhibition, Re:visiting Rockefeller, at Rockefeller Museum for Archeology; Wednesday, live music and tours between artworks in the streets of Musrara; On Thursday you can be a guest in Nachlaot, go from one living room to the next and experience art in an intimate domestic atmosphere."

For more information in Hebrew and English, the full schedule of events, list of participating galleries, and more, please stay updated via Manofim's Facebook page, or visit Manofim's website.


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