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Events in Jerusalem

Venice Behind the Masks at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art

Venice Behind the Masks at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art at 24.07.2013

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Wednesday jul 24th

The Museum of Italian Jewish Art presents "Venice Behind the Masks": family workshops inspired by the carnival of Venice.

Join us for a family workshop inspired by the carnival of Venice where we will create masks from a variety of materials. The workshop will be led by the Italian artist Daniel Sulewic, who is arriving in Israel especially for the opening of her exhibition "Sewn in the City".

24 July 10:00 -13:00
25 July 10:00 - 13:00

Ages 7+
For registration and further details: 02- 6241610 |

U.Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art,
27 Hillel St. Jerusalem

Open Hours

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-17:00 | Thursday: 12:00-21:00 | Friday: 10:00-13:00 Monday and Saturday: closed


Hillel St. 27


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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