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Events in Jerusalem

Breaking Ground: Pioneers of Biblical Archaeology

Breaking Ground: Pioneers of Biblical Archaeology at 26.07.2010

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Monday jul 26th

Book this now!The Israel Museum presents "Breaking Ground: Pioneers of Biblical Archaeology": an archaeological exhibition.

Through April 2011

As an introduction to the renewed Bronfman Archaeology Wing, this exhibition illuminates the connection between the artifacts on display in the Wing and the history of the professional discipline of archaeological field work in modern Israel, from 19th-century tomb raiders to modern-day excavations. Bringing archaeology to life through the individual stories of Flinders Petrie, Felicien de Saulcy, and Conrad Schick - three representative figures in the founding history of Middle Eastern archaeological exploration in the 19th century - the exhibition introduces viewers to their pioneering work in the field, as well as to the activities of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Excavation tools, archaeological findings, photographs, and drawings are among the objects in the exhibition, curated by Hagit Maoz Lin, Assistant to the Chief Curator of Archaeology.

Image: Releif map of the Temple Mount, ca 1895. Courtesy of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 16:00 to 21:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


Ruppin Rd.


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