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Events in Jerusalem

The Deep: Tours, Demonstrations and Workshops

The Deep: Tours, Demonstrations and Workshops at 04.07.2010

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Sunday jul 4th

The Bloomfield Science Museum is offering a variety of daily demonstrations and workshops at no extra cost to visitors. These events accompany the Museum's current exhibit "The Deep."

--Guided tours of "The Deep": for adults and families. From July 22 and onwards, tours will take place at 13:00, 15:00, and 18:00.

--"How Do You Dive Down into the Deep?": How does a submarine dive deep into the sea to research sea creatures, and how does a fish that lives deep down in the sea rise to the top of the water? Children will create a "snorkel" with the help of a straw, dropper, and weight and take it home as a souvenir.

--Do-it-yourself Family Tours: with the help of the "Deep Sea Passport" and a magnifying glass which they get to keep.

--Experiential workshop: Life in the Deep: this workshop takes place in the dark, in the light conditions of the sea, and is suitable for families.

Photo copyright MBARI

Open Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 15:00; Sundays closed


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