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Events in Jerusalem

A Summer of Watches at the Museum of Islamic Art

A Summer of Watches at the Museum of Islamic Art at 01.07.2010

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Thursday jul 1st

The Museum of Islamic Art invites you to "A Summer of Watches": The Mystery of Lost Time exhibit will continue to be displayed throughout the summer. Adults and children can browse the clocks and watches from the personal collection of Sir David Solomons, the husband of the museum's founder, and children can take part in creative workshops, in which they will create watches and jewelry in the style of the antique watches in the exhibition. In addition, there will be story theatre performances for children. The performances tell the story of the watches as well as answer questions such as who created the watch? What did people do before there were watches to tell time? Why are there 60 minutes in an hour? Can time be stopped? Don't miss out!


*Creative workshops will take place in July and August 2010 from Sunday - Thursday from 10:00-15:00 and on Fridays from 10:00 - 13:00, and there is an additional fee for participation. The approximate duration of a workshop is 45 minutes to an hour.


*Story Theatre performances will take place every Wednesday at 13:00, and are free with admission to the museum. For more information and a complete list of Summer Performances for Children, click here.



Open Hours

Sunday, Monday and Wednesday 10:00 to 15:00; Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 to 19:00; Friday and holiday eves 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday and holidays 10:00 to 16:00 | From July 25-August 31: Extended Opening Hours -- Sunday-Thursday: 10:00-19:00, Friday and Sat


HaPalmach St. 2


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