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Events in Jerusalem

Manofim 2010 Closing Event: Ziona (Towards Zion)

Manofim 2010 Closing Event: Ziona (Towards Zion) at 06.09.2010

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Monday sep 6th

Manofim presents its closing event, "Ziona": Towards Zion - Time seems to come to a halt in the "Hamaras" of the Mahne Yehuda market: The elderly playing cards and idly sipping their tea.

For this eve of "Manofim", the place transforms into a "Khan" (Inn) for pilgrims heading to Zion/Jerusalem.
How does Zion welcome its pilgrims and what do they bring along?

Exhibiting Artists: Amir Bolzman, Arik Futterman, Eti Abergel, Dana Goshen, Hannan Abu Hussein, Yavin Ben Reshef, Yael Robin, Lee Orlev, Moran Gutman, Merav Davish Ben Moshe, Nisreen Najjar, Rachel Cohen Zivony, Sharon Balaban, Kineret and Oren Elkabets

Musical Display: "Endless Sea" - original composition for "Ziona" Shaul Bustan - Composer, Persian Tar Shira Kerner - vocals Eitan Refua - Santur, Zarb

Art Direction, Curatorship: Hila Smolyanski, Rachel Cohen Zivony

Street Food: "Azura" restaurant and the chef Ezra Kedem.

Address: Iraqi market in Mahane Yehuda market
Public transport: 17,19

Open Hours



The Iraqi Shuk in Machane Yehuda


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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